American Board of
Neurophysiologic Monitoring (ABNM)

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P & P PDF Policy and Procedure Manual PDF
  Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Registration and Administration of the Written Examination
III. Requirements for Initial Application
IV. Appeal Process for Adverse Decisions (Non-Ethics Related)
V. Examination Process
VI. ABNM Part I-Written Examination
VII. Examination Preparation
VIII. ABNM Part II-Oral Examination
IX. Design of the Oral Examination
X. Format of the Oral Examination
XI. Oral Exam Scoring
XII. Recertification
XIII. Disposition of ABNM Examination Results
XIV. Certification Status
XV. Ethics and Professionalism
XVI. Appeal Process for Adverse Decisions (Ethics Related)
Exam Applications Written Exam Application
Oral Exam Application
Recertification Exam Application

I. Background:

The development of the board certification process in neurophysiologic monitoring by the American Board of Neurophysiologic Monitoring (ABNM) was an outgrowth of the original goals of many individuals and societies to improve operative patient care through enhanced surgical, physiological and anesthetic management through electrophysiological monitoring.  Many of these organizations had goals of fostering the growth and stature of the field of neurophysiological monitoring, developing unified standards for training and practice, promoting the highest standards of neurophysiological monitoring through research in clinical neurophysiology and neurophysiological monitoring and promoting education and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of neurophysiologic monitoring.  Recognizing that setting standards and credentialing was a critical part of this, the ABNM was formed in 1995 by a group of individuals experienced in the field and committed to developing a process of credentialing for individuals that would set an appropriate standard of excellence in intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring.  The ABNM endorses the concept of voluntary, periodic certification by examination in Neurophysiologic Monitoring.  Board certification is highly valued and provides formal recognition of expertise in this important and expanding area of patient care.  The ABNM is a legally independent organization with its Board of Directors being members of numerous organizations and representing several relevant fields of study. The original volunteer Board attempted to develop a credentialing process that would recognize qualified individuals in the field who come from a diverse background yet remain of the highest professional standards.  The ABNM endorses the examination of ABRET for certification at a technical level (CNIM) and has therefore focused on certification at a level which includes professional neurophysiologic data interpretation and technical supervision.  The main objective of the ABNM is to promote enhanced delivery of competent patient care through the certification of qualified individuals deemed to be competent by:


1. Recognizing formally those individuals who meet eligibility requirements of the ABNM and pass both a Written (Part I) and an Oral (Part II) examination in Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring (IONM).
2. Encouraging continued professional growth in the practice of Neurophysiologic Monitoring.
3. Requiring continuing medical education in IONM for Diplomates seeking ABNM Recertification. 
4. Establishing and measuring the level of knowledge and judgment required for       certification of professionals practicing Neurophysiologic Monitoring.
  1. Providing the standard of specialty practice deemed appropriate for professionals in Neurophysiologic Monitoring; thereby assisting the employer, public and members of the health professions in the assessment of these professionals.

The policies and procedures set forth in this Manual are applicable to all persons who tender an application for the ABNM certification examination, all ABNM Diplomates, all ABNM officers and all members of its Board of Directors.



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Last updated January 23, 2018