II. Registration and Administration of the Written Examination:
The ABNM examination for Professional Certification in IONM is comprised of two Parts: the Part I-Written and Part II-Oral examinations. ABNM Certification requires both Parts to be successfully completed. Only candidates who have successfully passed the Part I-Written examination are eligible to submit for the Part II-Oral examination.
All applications for the ABNM examinations are handled by the designated testing agent of the ABNM, the Professional Testing Corporation (PTC), 1350 Broadway – Suite 800, New York, New York 10018, (212) 356-0660. (http://www.ptcny.com). A separate application is required for the Part I and Part II examinations. Initially, individuals interested in ABNM Certification will submit the application for the ABNM Part I-Written examination to PTC. However, note that applicants to the ABNM for examination will be required to pay a combined fee of $1,600 for the ABNM Part I-Written Certification Examination in IONM and for the subsequent ABNM Part II-Oral Certification Examination in IONM at the time of initial application. Note that upon successful completion and passing of the Part I-Written examination, a separate application must be submitted for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination. No additional fee is incurred for a first application for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination.
Applicants who fail the ABNM Part I-Written examination will not be refunded the fee for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination. Should applicants who fail the ABNM Part I-Written examination wish to apply again for the ABNM examinations, a fee of $1,000 will apply for all subsequent applications for the ABNM Part I-Written examination.
After successfully completing and passing the ABNM Part I-Written examination, candidates are deemed to be “In the examination process” and must apply separately for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination. Applications for the first attempt of the ABNM Part II-Oral examination do not incur a fee. Candidates who fail the ABNM Part II-Oral examination and who remain “In the examination process” and are eligible to apply again for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination must submit a fee of $1,000 for all subsequent applications for the ABNM Part II-Oral examination.
PTC administers the Part I-Written examination twice a year at dates listed on the ABNM (http://abnm.info) web site. The ABNM Part I-Written examination can only be administered on these pre-established dates. The ABNM Part I-Written examination is conducted electronically via a computer interface and is now available at several hundred computer testing centers across the United States and abroad, thus providing testing centers in convenient locations for most exam candidates. To find a test center near you, visit https://candidate.psiexams.com/testdate/testdate.jsp or call PSI at 800-733-9267.
The ABNM administers the Part II-Oral examination once per year, typically in the Spring but may, at the discretion of the ABNM, conduct a second Part II-Oral examination in the Fall. The Oral examination can only be administered on these pre-established dates and only at the examination site designated by the ABNM. All ABNM Part I-Written and Part II-Oral examination dates and application deadlines are listed on the ABNM (http://abnm.info) web site.
Any applicant requiring any reasonable accommodation when taking the examination, as contemplated under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, should complete and include the Request for Special Needs Accommodations Form, available at www.ptcny.com, with their application and fees. Please also use this Form if you need to bring a service dog, medication, food or beverages needed for a medical condition, with you to the test center.
ABNM Part I-Written examination:
The initial application to the ABNM includes multiple requirements and several items of documentation that must all be submitted to PTC in a single packet, including the examination fee, and the application packet must be sent by email as email attachments and sent to Sherry Frier at PTC (sfrier@ptcny.com), by the examination application deadline. Included with the application is an ABNM application checklist that must be completed and signed by each applicant to attest to the fact that all required items are included in the application packet. After receipt of application packets, PTC will review and confirm the completeness of the application packet and incomplete application packets, which may include incomplete forms, will be returned as received to the applicant. PTC will not maintain partial or incomplete application packets and will not maintain applications from previous examinations. Upon return of incomplete applications, there will be an opportunity for applicants to provide the necessary documentation to complete their application. However, only complete applications will be accepted by PTC and all complete applications must be received by email at PTC by the published application deadline, irrespective of whether or not an application was previously deemed incomplete and returned. A $150 portion of the application fee for the ABNM examination is a non-refundable processing fee. Refund policies are at the discretion of PTC and the Board of Directors.
After successful completion of the application process, PTC will notify candidates approximately six weeks prior to the start of the testing period of the ABNM Part I-Written examination, with their Scheduling Authorization. This will be sent by email from notices@ptcny.com. If you do not receive your Scheduling Authorization email at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the testing period, please call PTC at 212-356-0660 for a duplicate.
The Scheduling Authorization will indicate how to schedule your examination appointment as well as the dates during which testing is available. Appointment times are first-come, first-serve, so schedule your appointment as soon as you receive your Scheduling Authorization in order to maximize your chance of testing at your preferred location and on your preferred date.
You MUST present your current driver’s license, passport or U.S. military ID at the test center. Temporary, paper driver’s licenses are not accepted. The name on your Scheduling Authorization must exactly match the name on your photo ID. It is recommended that you also bring a copy of your Scheduling Authorization and your PSI appointment confirmation with you to the test center.
Four hours is allowed for the examination. Latecomers will be admitted to the examination at the discretion of the exam proctor. After you make your test appointment, you will receive an email from PSI with confirmation of the date, time and location of your examination. Please check this confirmation carefully for accuracy. Call PSI at 800-733-9267 if you do not receive this email or if there is a mistake with your test appointment.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to schedule his/her test appointment with PSI.
It is highly recommended that you become familiar with the test location prior to your test date.
Arrival at the test center on time is your responsibility. Please plan for possible delays from weather, traffic and parking. Late arrival may prevent you from testing.
If you need to cancel your test appointment or reschedule to a different date within the two-week testing period, you must contact PSI at (800) 733-9267 no later than noon, Eastern Standard Time, of the second business day PRIOR to your scheduled appointment. PSI does not have the authority to authorize refunds or transfers to another monthly testing period.
PTC has established the following rules for the conduct of the ABNM Part I-Written examination. Hand-held battery or solar operated calculators are permitted. There is also a calculator available onscreen. All electronic devices that can used to record, transmit, receive or play back audio, photographic, text or video content, including but not limited to, cell phones, pagers, cameras, laptop computers, tablets, Bluetooth devices, voice recorders, iPod type devices, all wearable technology and ALL watches (smart or analog) may not be used during the examination and should not be brought to the test center. Coats, bulky sweaters/jackets, sweatshirts (hoodies) and hats, except hats worn for religious beliefs, are not permitted to be worn during the examination. No books, papers, electronic databases, or other reference materials may be taken into or removed from the examination room. Notes taken during the examination, e.g. of test materials, questions and/or answer options, may not be taken from the examination room and all scratch paper must be returned to the proctor before leaving the test center. No questions concerning content of the examination may be asked during the examination. The candidate should read carefully the directions on the computer screen at the beginning of the examination. While your examination is in session, you are only permitted to leave the test room to use the restroom. Leaving the immediate test area for any other reason is not allowed.
Candidates will be notified within approximately four to six weeks whether they have passed or failed the examination. Scores on the major areas of the examination and on the total examination will be reported. The ABNM will release the individual test scores ONLY to the individual candidate. Any questions concerning test results should be referred to the Professional Testing Corporation. If there are questions about the overall process or problems that cannot be resolved with PTC, please contact the ABNM.
The ABNM Part I-Written Certification Examination in Neurophysiologic Monitoring may be taken as often as desired upon filing of a new application and completion of all application requirements in effect at that time and payment of any fee due at that time. There is no limit to the number of times the ABNM Part I - Written examination may be taken. The number of times the written examination has been taken and whether an individual has passed or failed the written examination will NOT be made available by PTC or the ABNM to anyone other than the individual candidate. |